Consent Orders
A Consent Order is an order from the Family Court in terms agreed by both parties to formalise parenting and/or financial arrangements.
A Consent Order can be made without either party attending a court. The process involves discussing and reaching agreement on matters such as parenting arrangements including who a child shall live with, time spent with the child, allocation of holiday time and special occasions for children as well as financial arrangements for property and maintenance.
When agreement is reached on all the relevant issues, the parties jointly file an Application for Consent Orders in the Family Court, asking the court to make an order reflecting their agreement.
Unlike a parenting plan, child support matters cannot be included in Consent Orders.
Negotiating the terms of Consent Orders with another party can often be an emotional and stressful time and sometimes ends in disputes. Our family law team can assist you to negotiate this process and achieve the best possible outcome.
There is a court filing fee applied for Consent Orders.
Costs involved
Please contact our Family Law team to help you through the process.