Bail Applications
Bail is essentially a written promise, called an undertaking that you will attend Court on the date advised to deal with the criminal charges against you.
You may be granted watchhouse bail, or court bail. Watchhouse bail is granted to you by the police when you are arrested – you will then be given a Notice to Appear with the court details written down. If you fail to attend court on that date, a warrant may be issued for your arrest. If you are not granted watchhouse bail, the Court can grant you bail. This is typically where you will need a lawyer to present detailed submissions to the Court on your behalf, arguing why you should receive bail. The Court may consider it appropriate to order conditions such as a curfew, or residential conditions when granting bail. We would advise you keep a copy of your bail undertaking so you are aware of the conditions you must follow. You must then comply with these conditions, as failure to do results in further criminal charges.
It is important you obtain legal advice to present the best case for your application, as you can only make one application to the court for bail, unless there has been a material change of circumstances. If bail is refused at this stage, you then have the option of applying to the Supreme Court of Queensland for bail.
Don’t hesitate to contact us for expert advice and representation regarding your bail application, so you can stay in the community whilst your matter is being dealt with.
You may wish for a family friend to contact us on your behalf, and we can then arrange to speak with you at the Watchhouse you are being held in.